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©2025 by SMOQUE. All right Reserved.  Build and maintened By DI MG



Dress code

Applies on Friday, Saturday, bank holiday Sunday and special events. More smart than casual. Smart footwear. No Sliders or Slippers, jeans are fine. No outrageous or offensive fancy dress.


Sunday to Thursday dress code is more relaxed, however we ask that everyone makes an effort on these nights!


This venue operates a check 25 entrance policy, therefore if you are lucky enough to appear under 25 you will be asked for proof of identity. The only acceptable forms are passport, driving licence or pass hologram cards. SMOQUE conducts random searches on entry and exit. We operate a zero-tolerance policy on drugs. Anyone suspected of dealing or using drugs will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Customers are advised that SMOQUE works continually with local authorities to ensure we are compliant on all aspects of health and safety and prevention of crime and disorder. We share information as part of the business against crime in Kent (BACIK) partnership & SMOQUE is a member of Kent city pub watch to assist in actively reducing crime and disorder in Kent. CCTV is in operation throughout the premises.


Please arrive in mixed female and male groups. This licensed premises exercises the legal right to refuse admission without providing a reason.

Refusal of service

We promote responsible drinking and in accordance with legislation, will refuse to serve anyone who is, or appears to be intoxicated or who is acting in a disruptive, abusive or violent manner. These persons will not be allowed to remain on the licensed premise. Staff will also refuse service to any person who attempts to obtain alcohol for someone who is deemed intoxicated. Tap water is freely available at all bars upon request.

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